Sofia Mentado

Front-end Developer with a deep passion for web design. Proven track record of creating front-end websites using HTML & CSS

Brito Tax Corp. Website

Exhibiting a modern and professionally crafted interface, the Brito Tax Corp. site provides a sophisticated exploration, ensuring effortless maneuvering and streamlined access to pivotal details concerning their specialized services, strategic initiatives, and impactful success narratives.

UCS Website

Showcasing a modern and intuitive design, the website for Unidad Cristiana de Saginaw in Fort Worth, Texas, delivers a captivating user experience, it guarantees smooth navigation and easy access to crucial details about the church's services, projects, and events.

JC Services AC & H Website

This company based on Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, provides air conditioning and heating services such as repair and maintenance. The website was built with the main technologies such as HTML5 and CSS3.

Apex Builders Website

With a modern and intuitive design, the website not only captivates visitors but also provides seamless navigation and easy access to essential information about their services, projects, and testimonials.

Essential Elements Website

Essential Elements is a luxury glass collection that required a website to display their high-quality products to a wider audience. The website had to be visually appealing and user-friendly while providing a seamless experience for visitors to learn about the brand and its products.


Creative, detail-oriented, software engineer with a deep interest in AI. Proven track record of creating and implementing successful front and back-end web applications. Looking to bring my skills and experience to a tech company with global reach.
Embark on an immersive exploration of my front-end development prowess and gain valuable insights into my professional background and achievements

Miami Web Creators, Miami, FL — Web Developer

Worked closely with other developers to create web applications and static websites for different clients using HTML, CSS, Git, GitHub, WordPress and Wix as main technologies.

100Devs, USA — Software Engineer

A 7 months program covering creating and maintaining front-end web applications using mailing HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript.

Front-End Web Developer | Consultant

My role includes creating and maintaining front-end web applications for clients using HTML5, CSS3, JS and WordPress. I'm always striving to learn new web technologies and stay up to date with the latest industry trends.


With my skills, I am capable of designing and developing websites in WordPress. I also have the ability to code in HTML, CSS and JS.

Get in touch

Reach out for discussions on potential collaborations, work opportunities, or any software-related inquiries.